Health & Healing Program
Our Health & Healing Program focuses on health education and awareness, patient navigation, translation and interpretation support. The long-term purpose of our program is to reduce health disparities and increase access to equitable health care for the Vietnamese community. This Program is comprised of three primary projects:
Vietnamese Women’s Health Project: provides breast and cervical cancer education, outreach, and patient navigation and interpretation support for screenings. Each month, through a partnership with Cooper Hospital in New Jersey, we host screenings to assist women who low-income, uninsured or undocumented immigrants and health insurance does not cover for this service in annual pap smear and mammogram checkups. We assist in transportation to hospital and translation needs. Our staff also do health workshops in the community on early cancer detection and prevention (focus on cervical, breast and prostate cancers).
Vietnamese Elder Wellness Project: provides monthly elder chronic disease management workshops and engages our elders in important socio-cultural activities which lessen isolation and increases community participation. Examples of our workshops have included the following:
Elder Barrel Workshops
Nutrition & Cooking Workshops
Prostate Cancer Education
Colon Cancer Education
Affordable Care Act Outreach, Education & Enrollment Project: Our newest project in both New Jersey and Philadelphia which facilitates outreach, education and enrollment to ensure that our community members have adequate knowledge regarding their health access options and apply for coverage accordingly. For support, please contact in New Jersey and in Philadelphia.
“Educating and Empowering: The VietLEAD Way
Medium — When you speak to Tracy and Nancy Nguyen on the phone, you can’t help but smile. The two women have enthusiastic voices, chirping away cheerfully about who they are and what they do . . .